A Prayer for Our Deceased Loved Ones
The golden box on Our Lady’s altar in the nuns’ choir contains the names of the deceased loved ones of our friends, family and benefactors who have been entrusted to our prayer. They are being offered up to the Lord at mass, rosary and the Divine Office each day during this month for souls.
Our monastery has been offering a Novena of Masses for all our deceased loved ones, beginning from last Saturday, November 13th until Sunday November 21st. We hope you’ve been joining us in prayer.
In praying for all the faithful departed, we are doing a corporal work of mercy. One of the most beloved prayer for the dead is the ancient “Eternal Rest” prayer, often sung in Latin as the “Requiem.” Please join us in chanting this heartfelt petition to God in suffrage for our deceased loved ones, so that being purified, they may speedily attain the beatific vision of God.
As we continue to pray for our our dear ones, let us turn to the apostle of mercy, Saint Maria Faustina to learn how we can unite ourselves with Our Lady, the Star of the Sea in our prayer for souls…
… I asked the Lord who else I should pray for. Jesus said that on the following night He would let me know for whom I should pray.
[The Next night] I saw my Guardian Angel, who ordered me to follow him. In a moment I was in a misty place full of fire in which there was a great crowd of suffering souls. They were praying fervently, but to no avail, for themselves; only we can come to their aid. The flames which were burning them did not touch me at all. My Guardian Angel did not leave me for an instant.
I asked these souls what their greatest suffering was. They answered me in one voice that their greatest torment was longing for God. I saw Our Lady visiting the souls in Purgatory. The souls call her "The Star of the Sea." She brings them refreshment. I wanted to talk with them some more, but my Guardian Angel beckoned me to leave. We went out of that prison of suffering. [I heard and interior voice] which said, My mercy does not want this, but justice demands it. Since that time, I am in closer communion with the suffering souls.
-Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska #20
Translation of the Dominican Requiem Chant:
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
V. To you we owe our hymn of praise, O God in Zion, and to you our vows will be fulfilled in Jerusalem. Hear my prayer, to you all flesh must come.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
Deo Gratias!