Corpus Christi Sunday 2024
We joyfully invite you to join us in the celebration of our Patronal Feast Day on
JUNE 2, 2024
MASS AT 10:30 A.M.
Celebrant and Preacher:
Reverend Thomas Aquinas Pickett, O.P.
Light reception after Benediction
Kindly RSVP by May 30
To register for the reception:
email: rsvp@opnunsmenlo.org
With gratitude to God for the blessings of past 103 years and to you for your support of our contemplative life, a Novena of Masses will be offered for you and your loved ones (living and deceased) from May 24 – June 1, the week before Our Patronal Feast of Corpus Christi. Your prayer intentions will be placed near the altar and in our hearts.