Christ is Risen! Alleluia, alleluia!
Dearest friends of Corpus Christi Monastery,
During this beautiful Easter Season, we remember you and your loved ones in our special Mass intentions. We thank you for your continued care and for faithfully supporting our contemplative way of life.
Many of you have noticed our Jubilee sign lifted high on the entrance wall over the front porch. This was an epic year, first being sheltered in place as the pandemic rules closed our chapel, and then partially reopened with restrictions. Inside the cloister our prayers and adoration continued without interruption and, finally after many months of modifications, our chapel is now open all day and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament has resumed. It was a challenge, but we also learned new methods of communication as we enhanced our web outreach and discovered how to operate via Zoom and YouTube, broadcasting live from our chapel and holding conferences with new vocation candidates, families abroad and attending various lectures of theological interest.
In these past six months we conducted our triennial changes in leadership. Our Dominican Constitutions provide a distinct approach to democratic constitutional government that is now over 801 years old. The nuns are called every three years to hold a Chapter of Elections. Beginning with a solemn Mass invoking the guidance of the Holy Spirit the solemnly professed nuns gathered in the Chapter Hall with our vicar, Fr. Christopher Fadok, OP officiating. Then the serious work began, similar to a papal conclave. We no longer burn the ballots to announce white or black smoke, but instead waited for the approval of the Holy See before the official announcement is proclaimed.
Yes, we have a new Prioress! Sister Mary Isabel of the Angels, OP was confirmed in November to begin a three-year term of office. To compliment her prioral responsibilities, Sister Maria Christine, OP was appointed Sub-prioress and Novice Mistress, Sister Joseph Marie, OP appointed Bursar and Sister Mary Bernadette and Sister Maria Carmela were elected to fill the remaining council positions. Then the challenge of changing assignments throughout the house began. We continue to be in a state of “transition” as everyone is learning new duties, sometimes with a skilled guide, and often by trial and error. This is a wonderful way of building trust, sharing experiences, and being companions to one another on our new journey in life.
With a warm springtime the community was enticed to add “gardening days” to the schedule of regular activities. Everyone soon discovered the relaxing effect of good sunshine and fresh air.
Remodeling our cloister grounds - lining up flowers for St. Dominic!
We are now in our third year of drought conditions, but we continue to cultivate our gardens, nurture what we can and introduce a more “drought resistant” venue. Seedlings have begun to sprout, and we pray mother nature will lend us a hand in watering.
As we reflect upon new life in the gardens, we are drawn to the new life of Easter Season. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI wrote,
Easter is the feast of the new creation. Jesus is risen and dies no more. He has opened the door to a new life, one that no longer knows illness and death. He has taken mankind up into God himself. ‘Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God’, as Saint Paul says in the First Letter to the Corinthians (15:50). On the subject of Christ’s resurrection and our resurrection, the Church writer Tertullian in the third century was bold enough to write: ‘Rest assured, flesh and blood, through Christ you have gained your place in heaven and in the Kingdom of God’ (CCL II, 994). A new dimension has opened up for mankind. Creation has become greater and broader. (Easter Vigil Homily)
This is the night of which it is written: The night shall be as bright as day, dazzling is the night for me, and full of gladness. (Exultet)
While we all live in this marvelous moment of new creation, our community welcomed two nuns from our Los Angeles Dominican community. Bringing with them a liveliness, giftedness and host of experience, the sisters are a valued addition to our Dominican contemplative community.
Filled with enthusiasm our “Vocation Program” is back to normal. In January the first group of young women arrived to participate in a weekend of prayer and reflection. Nourished with conferences and discussions the group is now prepared to further discern their vocational journey in life, asking themselves “is God calling me?” In July we will host another weekend of prayer and inquiry for both new inquirers and those who are participating in their “aspirancy” preparation in anticipation of entering religious life. Be sure to follow our community web page for details and updates.
As we write about our WEB PAGE – it too will be taking on a new improved look as our sisters relocate from one work assignment to the next. For some this transition is a process of discovering new computer skills, often very daunting for even the most learned. We encourage everyone to visit our ONLINE FEATURES for ordering their Venite enrollments, Spiritual Bouquets, Mass Cards and other online gifts and accessories. If you wish, you could also donate online. This is also an easy and efficient way of sending in your urgent or special prayer intentions.
Corpus Christi Sunday will be celebrated on June 19th. This marks both the solemnity of our patronal feast day which coincides with “Father’s Day” this year. Set your calendar to bring along your family and join us in honoring the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Invitations and prayer petition slips will be mailed to you in the coming month. When we think of peace these days, what might first come to mind is the sadness of the Ukraine war and the devastation of homelands. In Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount, He promises a special reward to peacemakers. Let us all be peacemakers by touching the world with the two qualities that characterize life in God’s kingdom – sight of God and union with God. May we always be grateful for God’s many blessings and rejoice in a personal peace, one that only comes through Christ’s blessings.