Celebrating 25 Years, a Bride of Christ (and a New Book)!
There’s nothing like celebrating a first profession: the youthful joy and excitement of the bride-to-be, the busy preparations of the community as they help her prepare for the big day. In some ways, it is like a fairy tale, a divine fairy tale. But even more beautiful is to celebrate a milestone anniversary with a bride of Christ. And recently, we had the privilege of celebrating with Sister Amata Marie her 25th anniversary of profession of vows.
Sister Amata Marie comes to our community from life as an apostolic sister of the Dominican Sisters of Mary Immaculate Province in Houston, Texas. It was as a sister of this congregation that she first professed her religious vows. And we shared her joy as most of her classmates, as well as family and friends, were able to join us at our monastery to celebrate Mass for her jubilee. It was a truly catholic celebration as the languages heard during the Mass were three: Vietnamese, English and Latin, and elements of Vietnamese culture blended seamlessly with customs more familiar to American Catholics. Afterward, guests were treated to a sumptuous Vietnamese feast, generously hosted by Sister’s family.
A jubilee anniversary celebration reminds us of the grace that is needed daily to persevere in this, or indeed any, vocation. We all recognize souls who have stood the test of time and cooperated with this grace. They have been tried by the fire of trials and sufferings, cooled by the waters of peace and joy, and hammered and sculpted until the most beautiful forms have begun to take shape. We say begun, because as a jubilarian will be the first to say, their journey is not yet finished. But those of us who surround such souls rejoice at their example of perseverance and the fruitfulness they bring to their communities and the entire Church.
We also celebrated with Sister Amata Marie in another way: with the release of a new book, Journey of Faith and Love: Through It All God Never Fails. The book, written in both English and Vietnamese, features 26 chapters of reflections based on Sister Amata Marie’s life and experiences: from her childhood in Viet Nam and her time on a fishing boat adrift in the South China Sea as she escaped, to her life as a religious sister amidst her newfound freedom in the United States. Sister Amata Marie shares with readers her insights as she sought deeper intimacy with our Heavenly Father, and her experiences of loss and suffering, as well as moments of great peace and joy.
“My hope in sharing these experiences is that, as my own faith is strengthened, the faith of others may be strengthened as well,” says Sister Amata Marie. “God’s love is constantly pouring down on us every moment of our life. All we need to do is be open to receive it. Through this book, I hope that those who read these reflections will also recognize God’s constant presence in their own lives and the love God has for them personally, even if they don’t always feel it.”
Journey of Faith and Love is available in paperback on our gift shop website and in paperback and Kindle format on Amazon.
May God continue to bless and protect Sister Amata Marie and her profession class as their continue their lives of love and service as brides of Christ, and may our Beloved Savior raise up new brides to the glory of God and the proclamation of His Kingdom. Deo gratias!