Mass with Personalized Card and Christmas Artwork

Mass with Personalized Card and Christmas Artwork
Give your loved ones the gift of the remembrance of their intentions at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and a sharing in the prayers of the Dominican nuns. Choose from two different 5x7 cards with prints of Christmas photos taken by our nuns within our monastery and personalize it for the recipient and occasion. Mass stipend suggested minimum donation is $10.00, plus donation for personalized card.
To send a request via mail with a check, please use our printable Request Form; be sure to write on the form “Christmas Card - [name of card choice]”.
Because all our items either support or flow from our life of contemplation, we make these items available to you as a sharing of the fruits of our contemplation. The lowest donation amount listed for this item is sufficient only to cover the costs we incur to provide the item (including shipping within the U.S.). There are no additional shipping charges at checkout.
Relying on Divine Providence to supply our daily needs, we ask you to prayerfully consider making a freewill donation in support of our contemplative life as you shop our books and gifts. To request this item at a donation amount not listed, please contact us directly via email.
Thank you and God bless!
Because all our items either support or flow from our life of contemplation, we make these items available to you as a sharing of the fruits of our contemplation. The lowest donation amount listed for this item in our online store is sufficient only to cover the costs we incur to provide the item (including postage within the U.S.). To request this item at a donation amount not listed, please contact us directly via email.
Relying on Divine Providence to supply our daily needs, we ask you to prayerfully consider making a donation in support of our contemplative life as you shop our books and gifts. Thank you and God bless!